What OKIC has to offer should both puzzle and intrigue you

What OKIC has to offer should both puzzle and intrigue you

OKIC, or Outer Kaleidoscope, Inner Compass™. So much more than a clever acronym. Giving us good reason to hold out hope for humanity.

Welcome to a quick tour of OKIC, the visualizable parts of the new Science of Representational Reality. Displayed below in two tables are its core forms, referred to as poietics and geometrics. A fuller interactive digital content library, including more than 100 additional detailed and explanatory reality-related representations that cover a wide array of general interest subjects, is available for purchase.


Not “like nothing you’ve seen before!” but rather, not unlike anything.

What OKIC is not
What OKIC is

Organizations have the option to apply OKIC poietics and geometrics, but also the informational layers undergirding OKIC, for various structural functions including management. The layered and nuanced levels of OKIC prove useful adjuncts for a wide range of needs, from cross-disciplinary information management to addressing patterns of interpersonal conflict.

For individuals offering integrity- and capacity-building services such as wellness coaching, facilitation of liminal spaces for larger projects, and reorientation after psychedelic trauma, OKIC enhances it all — through its grounded and (in)formative balance of structure and flexibility inherent to OKIC but also to the larger context which is representational reality.

All together, OKIC and relating to reality as fundamentally representational are key pieces to activating the systems repair capacity that humanity has over time - and over information (both meanings intended) - lost touch with. By undertaking OKIC-catalyzed repair efforts, humanity has the chance to comprehend its functional as well as dysfunctional roles in reality - and relational information and acts within in - in such a way as to impact real and lasting participation existentially and for good. Doing so intentionally and collaboratively - if not necessarily harmoniously - becomes the natural choice. OKIC-informed methodologies make that choice increasingly accessible and understandable.

With OKIC in the ring, information technologies in particular can be both harnessed and customized, making it gradually but consistently easier for even individuals to puzzle out the complex representational and relational processes of existence through time and space and in all contexts real and imaginable. Engaging with OKIC scientifically — that is, through direct observation and engagement along a variety of paths — information and “collective intelligence” respond to reality and humanity’s conscious engagement within it. Participation is catalyzed so as to be increasingly undistorted, coherent, and sustainable.

💎For individuals, OKIC supports you!

Become a general intelligence agent prepared for next generation, interdisciplinary objectivity - where information, inquiry and experimentation intersect constructively in representational reality.

For computing, other technology and formal systems professionalsFor computing, other technology and formal systems professionals

For organizations, contact me to discuss. See also Source Invention.


It doesn’t look like people are flocking to OKIC. Isn’t that a signal that its off or not “all that”? I’ve talked to some smart and passionate people about it. Many would agree with me that its lack of popularity, or ready acceptance, is simply a signal that reconfiguring human understanding to recognize and relate through representational reality reveals the fault lines in everything. To the degree that people and organizations prefer the relative ease of personal and internal (to them) systems repair over the disorienting uneasiness of collective systems repair, OKIC is inconvenient. Seeing the problem, we throw a metaphorical rug on top of the ground (representational reality) we wish were not strewn with unsightly messes.

👉🏽BUY NOW details. Full Content Library

Everyman’s Essay Collection, part of the full content library, kicks off with…

  • “Timeline of a Reality Revolution”,
  • But We’re Not OK! Rewriting Humanity’s Relating Renaissance,”
  • “I’m Lost”
Read the First 3 Everyman’s EssaysRead the First 3 Everyman’s Essays

Core Poietics

What else is in the full content library?

OKIC Tables of ContentOKIC Tables of Content

Bonus track — The Science of Representational Reality makes possible updates that can, in time, reverse the sad irony of institutional sciences being eaten alive by skeptical critics.

Sensible, Generalizable

And then there is “the I word.” Intelligence. To which OKIC abides by the uncontroversial claim that intelligence must, first and foremost, be both sensible and generalizable. The geometrics below are a further window for glimpsing these aspects of not only the reality correlates but the timeless intelligence OKIC hints at at every scale. They expand the poietics in a way that suggests the intelligible depth revealed further in the extensive library of figures and essays that are available and emerging within the OKIC full content library and collaborations.

In short, representational reality is useful through thoughtful application of timeless yet fully integratable abstractions that are relatable. Its forms communicate core definitions in more than metaphor, and psycho-social dynamics and socio-cultural reality constructs in more than promises. The territory covered explicitly includes, though is not remotely limited to, time, memory, agency and governance.

In terms of “collective intelligence,” note that OKIC is entirely consistent with Anita Woolley’s Transaction Systems Model of Collective Intelligence (TSM-CI), written about recently with Pranav Gupta in Perspectives on Psychological Science.

figshare Understanding Collective Intelligence: Investigating the Role of Collective Memory, Attention, and Reasoning Processesfigshare Understanding Collective Intelligence: Investigating the Role of Collective Memory, Attention, and Reasoning Processes

Geometric Wireframes

Read the First 3 Everyman’s EssaysRead the First 3 Everyman’s Essays

BUY NOW details. Full Content Library

CC BY 4.0. Attribute to The Science of Representational Reality: OKIC. Copyright 2024-2025 Earthstar One (MKM).

™ Trademarks include though are not limited to Mysterioscope; Memory Crystal; True-Sense Anchor; Meta Anchor; Eye of Wholeness; Continuous Channel; Inner Kaleidoscope, Inner Compass (OKIC)