To get aimed, to get on the timeline of revorelationalism, is to begin relating and integrating experience to what is timeless. Like heliocentrism, it doesn’t register to a psyche that cares first about relating to others to be an intuitive task. So you’ll need ways of relating to timelessness to interpret what you encounter. That makes the OKIC figures unique and effective not because they are like no other.
What makes OKIC figures unique and effective is that they achieve not unlike anything and do so in a way that is structurally and meaningfully consistent. Not just relational but revorelational. Take other systems of analysis (referred to by some as ontologies, or ways of categorizing). When generalized, taken far enough, they lead us to poorly constructed, overreaching metaphors for what is real. Their sensibleness in one context break down when the rubber hits the road, or when the wind fills the sail in another.
With OKIC, there’s no need for skidding or capsizing (individually but also, as it is adopted in critical ways, collectively) on ineffectual journeys to “I can relate.” In forcing ill-fitted structures to work, humanity has learned all too well that compromise and contradiction can be counted on to reveal, relationally, the ways I’m Okay You’re Okay, self-righteous indignation, or unsolved mysteries (including “big picture” questions) are there to hold not answers but distortion patterns. More on this [insert linked page] in the section “When Being ‘At Odds’ Is Good.”
What is achieved and communicated in OKIC is a template that works for everyone – and everything, from amoebas to sophisticated machines. Humanity might just continue to exist despite our differences. Might we even come to celebrate them one day? You’ve heard people joke Why doesn’t parenting, or being a good person, come with a manual? So why doesn’t life come with a template to meaningfully co-existing? It does. We just haven’t stood to benefit from it being be made explicit – until now.
I’ll say a few words now for those curious why geometry would be central to communicating the bulk of OKIC. Consider the fractal. A common digital phenomenon familiar to many. The Mandelbrot set is perhaps the most famous geometry-wise. Of modern theories that abound about experience and reality, fractal-like themes of self-similarity and recursion of content across scales and through time are universal. This is for good reason.
Fraught are our views of physical matter below the level that modern microscopes can render into direct view. But theories involving number series like the Fibonacci, widely reflected in observable structures of ever-evolving organic life, give epic cred to logical arguments that connect life, geometry, and numbers. It’s a triumvirate combination recognized as widely relevant, from the modern science of DNA to the ancient practice of mathematics. The term revorelationalism then refers to a sort of meta-logic whereby OKIC geometry and its timeless transformational qualities are what express the multitude of representational phenomena that comprise reality. In the same way, DNA expresses the multitude of living phenomena that comprise life; and numbers, the multitude of mathematical phenomena that comprise collectivity.
Orient to OKIC by way of the inner compass, informed by bodily experience including feedback of all kinds. Then navigate by the vividness of understanding what is outside of you in a way that is consistent with real, patterned, kaleidoscopic information that makes sense. Though intangible, revorelationalism is of real consequence. Activation of understanding, in part, through clarity-inspired re-presentations that connect, and thereby aim us through centering. This enhances our timeline awareness and invites us to habituate natural language and geometric (relational) structuring such as memory to function more generatively, that is, without distorting the self-similar, recursive, and scaling phenomena supporting us in our material, imaginal and formative (what’s possible) expression.
Refer any time to the table of figures below (available also a navigation link to the left). As you explore the Science of Representational Reality and when a new figure is presented, explore relevant figures from the table below to assist you in their interpretation.