Two figures. Think of them more as puzzles, as they will only be adequately framed by a full reading of Part 1 of Everyman’s. Puzzles that have you orient to the possibility that connectedness comes from the center, not the top, or ideologically transcendent part, of your embodied behavior contextualizer “I.” Grace is thus a puzzle hidden from the conceptual functioning that drives mind-enabled participation.
The first part of solving the grace puzzle is to explore the secret passageway between transcended and embodied participation. What we learn of there is the interrelatedness of emotion, thought and habit. Communicating what is involved in the revorelational dynamic that yields grace outside the secret passage and regardless of applied concepts is the purpose of the OKIC Grace Templates.
Conceptual functioning is most often referred to in mind enabled realism using a the word “vision,” in the sense of “to envision.” (A function distinct from vision as in the brain’s ability to process visual stimuli). is referred to when it comes to reality. The Grace Templates are not about vision, but rather about the “view from the center”. Not heart first, just heart centered. This is tricky because rationality, reasoning, and logic get hijacked through otherwiseness, from which the ego is able to construct elaborate schemes that others find compelling for reasons they do not even understand. Justification for un-wise participation, with cultural backing, becomes a snowball on a wintery downhill descent.
The OKIC Grace Templates are not about visionary processes or means of justification. Vision as in we can preconceive about a situation (applying conceptions to the future through hypothetical, “what if”) is a kaleidoscope function. It’s what allows us to focus on distinguishing internal v external sensations, real v illusory phenomena, animate v inanimate, and perceive how disciplining our own actions or more generally imposing orderliness will affect a situation.
The existential kink “I am the central mystery” means we can never envision, conceptualize, frame ourselves without others. It’s not even possible for visionary processes to fulfil a grace template. You will learn about future sense at the end of the chapter New Vistas in Realistic Optimism. While envisioning has us constructing what orderliness, guidance, and doubt we need to access a different set of circumstances around us, grace templates have us tuning in to the vibe that is our part in the new circumstances we are able to connect to as possible. Both functions are important. Since envisioning is a kaleidoscope function, it’s reserved for Part 2.
The question of grace combined with psycho-social phenomena. What does it mean to fall from grace? If being in grace is being in sync with the timeless phenomenal world, the world does not fall apart. There’s out of sync, and there’s intentional mis-direction. In a word, lying. Templating grace requires getting real about evil, deception, malicious intent. Otherwise, it’s just smoke and mirrors. False promises.
The base figures for the two grace templates are the Masterful and Wise Tension figures that represent contrasting functions of direction (as a feature of OKIC). If you look back at the section Orienting to OKIC at the end of the introduction and find the referent figures, notice the columns are divided between iterative and embedded features. Iterative is a fancy word for patterning that functions through timeless grace. Embedded is a fancy word for novelty that functions through timeless grace. Applying past learning to the present so as to determine the best direction. This is about context-sensitivity,
What is a lie? When we understand ambiguity is actually required for communication to contain both novel and patterned content, an interesting question emerges. What is a lie? And what is mis-perception?
A lie is a conscious but meaningless mis-direction. Direction comes into focus in Part 2. For Part 1, we deal with lies lite. The ones that are not systematic manipulations but rather attempts to have more sway. To change timelines.